I am an experienced UX Designer, Entrepreneur, Founder of Soniti, and a certified Scrum Master.

Nikola Stanchev Portrait

My Work


My Work 〰️


Video Editing & Filming


I was born in България in 1998 and studied opera singing at the National School of Arts in Ruse. After high school, I moved to София for a gap year and worked as a Database Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. This experience sparked my interest in the IT sector and my desire to create and inspire. In 2018, I relocated to the UK to pursue a Computer Science degree at the University of Surrey. Despite the challenges brought on by Covid-19, I graduated with first-class honours and excelled in my dissertation. In 2019, I founded SONITI LTD, a digital agency, and began working with businesses in Surrey as the Founder and Head of Design. In September 2021, I joined SITA Aero as a UX Designer for border control products, obtaining professional certificates and gaining valuable work experience within an international corporate enviroment.

My Process